Misc. Notes
1830 living New Hampshire.
2361840 Living in Sullevan County, NH (Charleston Township)
230,2311850 Living in Athens Township, Crawford County, Pensylvania.
1671850 US Census Penn Athens Township, Age 58.
1701860 Living in Athens Township, Crawford County, Pensylvania.
2371870 Living in Crawford County, Pensylvania, age 78.
238Steuben, first in alphabetical order, was the last, or one of the last townships of Crawford County to become permanently settled. It is situated in the northeast part of the county, and is bound by Bloomfield on the north, by Rome on the east,
by Steuben on the south, and by Richmond and Rockdale on the west. The southern part is included within the Seventh Donation District, the northern part within the Eighth Donation District. Between the two is a wedge-shaped " gore," extending east and west, and having an average width in this township of about a fourth of a mile.
Among the earliest settlers of steuben were:
Abraham Wheeler,
Samuel Willis, Joseph King, Elder Hutchinson, John Shaubarger, Henry Hatch, Jonah Edson and Thomas Delamater. Abraham Wheeler was born in New Hampshire August 13, 1793, and in 1819 emigrated with his family, from Genesee County, N. Y., and settled on Tract 1597 in the northern part of the township. He was a man of great determination and force, which he expended in clearing a large farm. Late in life he removed to Sparta Township, where he died March 17, 1876, leaving a large family.