Family Card - Person Sheet
NameBenjamin Dwinell
Birth10 Nov 1726, Topsfield, EssexCounty, Mass
Death29 Jul 1805, Keene, Cheshire Co, NH441
BurialKeene, Cheshire Co, NH
Misc. Notes
442 pg 3 & 14. Benjamin and Mary lived in the house with Banjamin's father in Topsfield, MS, until they moved to Boxford, MS. In 1777 they removed to Keene, NH and resided there until their deaths
Benjamin marched from Boxford in the Lexington Alarm.
233 pg 139
Dunnel, Henry Gale, The true genealogy of the Dunnel and Dwinnell family of New England, published 1862.
Reference pages 13-16
Birth1 Jun 1730, Topsfield, Mass
Death5 Mar 1825, Keene, Cheshire Co, NH
BurialKeene, Cheshire Co, NH
Marriage25 Feb 1751, Topsfield, MA233