NameSusan Lawrence
Birthabt 1548, Moze, Essex Co, England
Death13 Sep 1610, Dedham, Essex Co, England158
Misc. Notes
In the name of God Amen, the XXXI August, 1610, I Susan Shearman of Dedham in the County of Essex, who being sick of body but of good and perfect memory (God be thanked) do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme as followeth first I bequeath my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body to be bestowed in Christian burial.
Item: I give unto Henry Shearman my son my silver and gilt salt and my best tapestry coveringe.
Item: I give unto Samuel Sherman my son my six silver spoons which my husband gave to me marked E and S.
Item: I give more unto Samuel Shearman my sonne my feather bed in the parlor with the bolster a paire of blankets and a covering.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Daniel Shearman my sonne the summe of L20 of lawful English money to be paid within three months after my decease.
Item: I give and bequeath more unto my son Daniel Shearman foure of my 8 beasts which my husband gave me and are marked out for my use.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Nathaniel Shearman my sonne the sum of L20 of lawful English money to be paid within 6 months after my decease.
Item: I give unto John Shearman my son my cubbord standing in ye parlour.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Ezekiel Shearman my sonne the summe of L10 of lawful English money to be paid him within 6 months after my decease.
Item: I give anf bequeath unto Ezekiel my sonne my new silver cup.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Edmund Shearman my sonne the sum of L10 of lawful English money to be paid him within one moneth after my decease.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Edmund my son my bedstead in the parlour the flocke bed upon it and the flocke bolster and the yellowe rugg.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Phebe Fenne my daughter one cow my least silver cup and one of my needlework cushions.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Anne Whitting my daughter two beasts, one needlework cushion and my Danske cheste in ye parlour.
Item: I give unto my son Daniel's wief my best gowne.
Item: I give unto my son Nathaniel's weif my Danske chest which standeth in the guest chamber.
Item: I give unto Robert Salmon's son my great grandchild one cowe.
Item: I give unto Mary Shearman my sonne Samuel's daughter my joyned chest in the parlour.
Item: I give unto Susan Shearman my son Daniel's daughter my leaved table in the parlour.
Item: I give unto my Brother Gilbert Hilles the sum of 10s.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Mr. Rogers my black mare.
Item: I give unto Susan Galloway daughter of cosin Edmund Galloway my best violet petticoat. All the residue of my goods unbequeathed shall be equally divided amongst all my children.
Item: I ordain and make my son Henry Shearman my sole Executor to see this my last Will and Testament faithfully performed, and for his paines I give him the lease of the Rayes given me by my husband.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hande and seale the day and year above written.
The mark of
Susan Shearman
In the presence of :
Edmund Galloway
John Pye
Probatum fuit apud Chelmsford before Thomas Edwards, Sept. 12, 1610.
Henry Shearman, Executor
Consistory Court of London
Pook Hamer (no. 7) Leaf 13
F.D.S 33, 34
Birthabt 1545, Dedham, Essex Co, England
Death28 Aug 1610, Dedham, Essex Co, England
Marriage14 Jun 1568, Moze, Essex, England