Family Card - Person Sheet
NamePhilip Sherman
Birth5 Feb 1610
DeathMar 1686/1687, Portsmouth, Newport Co, Rhode Island
Misc. Notes
Came to New England 1n 1634
158 pg 246
645 Purchased property from Richard Hull
185 pg 787
Met Roger Williams in Rhode Island, purchased Aquetnet Island. He bacame a member of the Society of Friends.
Philip Sherman joined the great Puritan migration to the Massachusetts Bay Colony when he was in his early twenties. He settled near Boston in Roxbury in Suffolk County. He was a member of the Congregational Church. The established church in 1600 & 1700s, which was supported by township taxes, and the township buildings were used for both government and church functions. There were about 20,000 English who migrated to the New England Puritan colonies between 1630-1640. Philip became a Quaker later in Rhode Island. 197
Birth5 Feb 1609, Dedham, Essex, England
Death1 Jan 1671, Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island
Marriage1633, Roxbury Boston, Suffolk Co, MA