Family Card - Person Sheet
NameGeorge William Odding
Birthabt 1587, Madron, Cornwall, England
Deathabt 1633
Misc. Notes
From: Subject: Surname
Date: October 25, 2006 7:18:36 AM PDT
Just thought you'd want to know that Olivia Ellen Rees married Richard Clarke JACKMAN, not Jackson. I had not noticed this error before now. I have made contact with the wife (Beth Smith) of a descendant of Richard's daughter, Katherine, and may have some photos to send you in the future. Her father-in-law has some family photos, but is not sure where they are located. Beth is anxous to see them, as am I, as there may be additional photos of Nora and Georgia included. We will have to wait and see. By the way, Adam Clarke Jackman, Richard's father, was born: 8/24/1845, and died: 1/27/1930. His wife, Amelia, was born: 6/14/1845, and died: 8/15/1920. Both are buried at Highland Cemetery in Minneapolis, KS. I'm sure you are aware that the cemetery has a website that identifies all burials, which makes it easy to locate their actual plot. Richard Jackman was born: 09 May 1876 in Cameron, MO. He died on 22 June 1956 in Coldwater, KS. Olivia was born in Feb. of 1876, and died on 11 June 1942 in Lawrence, Ks. Both Olivia and Richard are buried in Lawrence, KS according to Beth Smith's records. She has a membership and Family Tree with Ancestry. Her email is:, and her website was contructed around Robert Jackman and wife, Ann. Beth's husband, Gad Smith, Jr. is the grandson of Katherine Jackman Smith and husband Henry Vernon Smith. Katherine was the eldest daughter of Olivia and Richard Clarke Jackman. Can't remember if I ever sent you a photo of Richard Jackman, but if not, let me know. I do have one that you might want to add to your file. Also, just received notice from the Ottawa County Historical Museum in Minneapolis, KS that the Rees Family display is completed. This was based on the info. and photos I sent to them last year, and consists of twelve large display boards filled with Rees family photos and information. I have not yet seen it, but the email photos the curator sent me look wonderful. Hope all is well with you and your family. I will keep you informed as I learn more. Melinda Rees Patrie
Marriagebef 1610, England