Misc. Notes
Imigrated to USA 1900
9941920 Living Meno Park, CA, age 43.
9941930 Census Living 390 Oxford St, Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, CA.
10371940 Living Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto, Santa Clara Co, Calif.
1033,1034Søren was born in the village Oxenvad. At that time Oxenvad was in the county Schleswig in Germany. This part of Schleswig belonged to Germany from about 1850 (I don’t remember the exact year). In 1918 the area returned to Denmark. Søren was born the 25th of March 1877. The family moved to Denmark about 1880. I have notes indicating that he might have been living in Harte in Denmark still 1890.
1031Today I attach a map of Denmark. The map is out of my very good encyclopedia from the year 1906. There you can see the border between Denmark and Germany at that time.
There were some disagreements between Denmark and Germany about the area around the border in the 19th century. The disagrrement resulted in that Germany (at that time Prussia och Austria - there was no Germany at that time) invaded southern Denmark in 1864.
From 1864/1866 the counties Holstein and Schleswig belonged to Germany (or Prussia). In 1920 Denmark got back the northern part of Schleswig. This part of Schleswig (in Danish Slesvig) now is called (in Danish) "Sønderjylland". Which means sothern Jutland.
As the Pors family originates from this border area the geography is important. In the family there are still memories from inconveniances from living at the "wrong side" of the border.
Some of the reasons for emigration from Denmark or Sweden (and from some other parts of Europe) to America in that time was opression of language and opression of religion. I.e. not only lack of food.