Misc. Notes
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Kenbower@aol.comSent: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 2:43 PM
Subject: Fwd: births, names etc.
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births, names etc.
Mon, 31 Jul 2006 17:02:19 -0400
Hi Sue,
Hope you a feeling better. I have some names of family on Steve's side:
This is on his dad's side of the family. I'm going to put it starting with the farthest back. Have some dates, not others.
John Atkinson an itinerant preacher married Jane Watson. Both were neighbors in Yorkshire England 10 years before they were married, however they met again in Canada and were married here when John was 28 and Jane was 15. They were each walking one day (in Canada) and passed each other on the street. They both turned around and recognized each other. Steve dad thinks God put them together.
William Atkinson born in Canada married Sarah Schell a Pensilvania Dutch girl.
Charles Edgar Atkinson born 1875 married Suzanna Pinkney both from Ontario
Samual Watson Charles Atkinson born May 5, 1903 married Rose Mary Waye born in 1907 in Greennoch, Scotland
Watson Thomas Charles Atkinson born June 7 1929 in Toronto married Irene Christine Turnbull born October 16,1937 in Grand Bend, Ontario
Katherine Dorothy Atkinson (Watson's sister) was born July 29,1930 in Toronto. She never married.
Rose Mary Waye 's parents: Thomas Waye and Catherine McMennemy
Her grandparents, Con McMennemy and Mary Ferguson from Scotland also.
Stephen Watson Atkinson born June 27, 1958 at Wellesley hospital in Toronto married Suzanne Lynn McConnie born July 19, 1959 also at Wellesley hospital in Toronto.
( I always thought it was cool that Steve and I were born in the same hospital in a completely different part of Toronto from where we met.)
My mother is Marija Henrietta Jueles Terwijn born in Holland. I will have to get her birthdate and more from her side. I'll find out more but probably not before we go on holiday.
Bye for now.
Canada Sue.