Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameJermiah Nims 345
Birth26 Jun 1729345
FatherJohn Nims (1679-1762)
MotherElizabeth Hull (1688-1754)
Misc. Notes
I Jeremiah Nims of Deerfield in the county of Hampshire and Common Wealth of Massachusetts, Yeoman, being in good Health and of sound Mind, Memory and Understanding; but considering the Certainty of Death and the Uncertainty of the Time thereof; willing to leave my worldly Affairs without embarrassments to my Heirs - Do make, ordain, publish and declare this my last Will and Testament - in Manner following - that is to say - First I will and direct that all my just Debts, and furneral Expensces be fully paid and satisfied. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Wife Mary Nims, one Thrid Part of all my Estate, to her sole Use for the Term of her natural Life. Item. I give and bequeath unto her my said Wife, all my wearing Apparrel, all my Household furniture and one half of all my live stock, to her sole Use and Benefit forever. Item. I give & bequeath to my Son Israel nims a Lot of Land in Conway inthe County aforesaid, being lot Number Thirty Two be it more or less in Quantity of Acres, together with all the buildings and other appurtenances and Priveledges thereto belonging. I give and bequeath unto my said Son Israel, one Haldof all my common and undivided Lands wherever they are - to have & hold the same to him, his Heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Seth Nims my Home Lot on which I now live, with all the Buildings and Appurtenances thereto belonging. Item. I gvie and bequeath unto my said son Seth the following Tracts and Lots of Land whatever they may contain, with all their Appurtenances viz my Lot lying in the great Meadow, my Lot lying in Newfor and also my Lot in Newfield, and all my Lands on SawMill Plain and near Mill River, Aslo my Lot on sugar Loaf Plain, my Lot on the back side of the East Mountain, Also my Lot at Hearthstone Brook, my Lot near the Mouth of Deerfield River, my Lot lying on the back Side of Stebbins Meadow and Also one Half of all my Common and undivided Lands wherever they are - To have and hold the same to him his Heirs and Assigns forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto him my said son Seth one half of all my live stock, together with all my farming Utensils of every Kind and also my Loom and Tackle, to his sole Use and Benefit forever.
Item. I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Elisabeth Barnard, Wife of Salah Barnard Esqr. to be paid her by my Son Israel within Two years after my Decease, Ten Pound in solid Coin - Item I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Childs Wife of Samuel Childs ten pounds in solid Coin, to be paid her by my Son Seth within Two Years after my Decease. Item. I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Rebeckah Wilder Wife of Samll Wilder Ten Pounds in solid Coin, to be paid equally by my Tow Sons Israel and Seth within Two Years after my Decease - And lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my tow Sons beforementioned viz israel Nims and Seth nims to be the Executors of this which I do hereby declare my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Jeremiah the Testator have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twenty thrid day of September Anno Domini 1786.
Last Modified 15 Aug 2011Created 7 Jan 2025 using Reunion for Macintosh