Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameGeorge Partridge 1385,1353
Birth17 Aug 1690, Duxbury, Plymouth County, MA1385
Death24 Jan 1768, Duxbury, Plymouth County, MA1385
FatherJohn Partridge (1657-1731)
MotherHannah Seabury (1668-1698)
Misc. Notes

Plymouth Probate Records Vo 20, p. 56. Will probated in 1768.

We have found this George like his father and grandfather, playing an important part in the government of his native town. He seems also to have been a prominent church member, for we find him on various committees appointed to arrange church affairs. In 1749 or 50 he was chosen by the town, one of a committee of three to dismiss the pastor, agree with him on his back salary and choose another pastor, as well as to repair or rebuild the church (Duxbury Records, p. 302), and before that in 1736 he was chosen one offour "to take care and order the children and young people in saidtown
and restrain them."

Hon. George Partridge founded a school at Duxbury, called "Partridge Academy," which was built in 1840, and used as an academy for the town and adjoining district. It was conducted entirely independent of town jurisdiction until about 1893, when it was made the town High School.

The building is still in a fine state of preservation, and its
history is so interwoven with that of the town itself, that itis
considered a most interesting landmark.

He was a mill owner, owning in 1746 a fullingmill and also a
grist-mill. Articles of agreement between him and his partnersare
among the town records for that year. His will was probated in1768
and is recorded in Vol. 20, page 56, of Plymouth ProbateRecords,
and is as follows:
"The Last will & testament of George Partridge of Duxborough in the
county of Plymouth in the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in
New-England housewright. I the said George Partridge being under
many bodily infirmities yet of perfect mind & memory, thanks be
given to almighty God therefor, & calling to mind the mortalityof
my body, & knowing that it is appointed for all men once todie, do
upon serious consideration make and ordain these presents to bemy
last will & testament, to remain firm and inviolable forever.That
is to say, principally & first of all I give & recomend my soulinto
the hands of God that gave it, & my body I recomend to theearth to
be buried in decent christian manner at the discretion of my
executor hereinafter namd, nothing doubting but at the general
resurrection I shall receive the same again by the almightypower of
God, & as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hathpleased God
to bless me in this life, I give, devise, & dispose of the samein
the following manner and form.

"Imprimis, I give and bequeath unto my eldest son SamuelPartridge
all that my farm or plat of land known by the name of Wiswalplace
laying in Duxborough aforesaid, and is all that part of thepurchase
that I made of Mr Peleg Wiswall of Boston that layeth to the
Southward of the home farm of Jacob Peterson in saidDuxborough.

"Item, I give & bequeath unto my son James Partridge fivepounds, &
all my wearing apparel, together with what he hath alreadyreceived
of the estate of my uncle Mr James Partridge that was given tome. I
consented he should take the deed in his own name.
"Item, I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mable Coomer wife to Willm
Coomer, three pounds together with what she hath already had &in
case she should be a widdow my son George Partridge herein-after
named is to pay her forty shillings every year during her

"Item, I give & bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Partridge wifeto
John Partridge, three pounds, together with what she hathalready

"Item, I give and bequeath unto my two grandchildren Ziba Hunt,&
Sarah Hunt, six pounds equally to be divided between them.

"Item, I give & bequeath unto my grand-son Partridge Richersonone
bed & furniture belonging to it & five pounds in money.

"Item, I give & bequeath unto my dear & loving wife HannahPartridge
the improvement of one third part of my home-farm, on which Inow
dwell, to improve during her widowhood; & a privilege of cutting
fire wood for her fire & fencing-stuff for said farm, during sd
term, & a bed & furniture, & household stuff sufficient to keep
house with, during her widdowhood, and at the expiration of her
widdowhood, it is to belong to my son George Partridge hereinnamed.

"Item, I give & bequeath unto my youngest son George Partridge,my
home farm on which I now dwell, & my pew or seat in the meeting
house in sd Duxborough, & a wood-lot being the first lot innumber
in the last division of Duxboro' Comons, laying near a pond,called
Island-creek-pond, & my right in the eleventh lot in the sd
division; & two pieces of salt-marsh lying adjacent to Sprague's
neck, near six acres of them, & purchased of Mr James Partridgedecd
& an island of marsh known by the name of Soul's island, layingto the Northward of
Powder-point in sd Duxboro', & all the remainder of my estateboth
real & personal after my debts & funeral charges are paid, & the
legacies or gifts, or dower herein before named are paid, Igive to
my son George Partridge be it in bills, bonds, book-debts ornotes
whatsoever, ordering him to provide for my wife during her
widowhood, if what I have herein before given her shall not be
sufficient for her comfortable support.

"Lastly, My will is that my son George Partridge above-named besole
executor of this my last will and testament, thus hoping thatthis
my last will be kept & performed, according to the true intent &
meaning thereof In witness whereof, I the said George Partridgehave
hereunto set my hand & seal this fourteenth day of Mayanno-Domini
one thousand, seven hundred & sixty four, 1764.

Signed, sealed, & declared
by the aforenamd
George Partridge to be
his last will & testamt in
presence of us

Partridge, George Henry, Partridge Genealogy, p. 13-17
The Plimpton Press, Norwood, MA 1915 1385
Birth27 Sep 1683, Marshfield, Plymouth Colony
Death23 Dec 1732, Pembroke, Plymouth Co, MA
FatherJoseph Keen Jr. (1658-1732)
MotherLydia Baker (1660-1732)
Marriage18 Mar 1712/1713, Pembroke, MA1385
ChildrenSarah (1716-1799)
 Samuel (~1713-)
 Mabel (~1715-)
 James (1722-)
Birth15 Jul 16941385
Death17 Dec 1778, Kingston, MA1385
FatherJohn Foster (~1660-)
MotherHannah Stetson (~1660-)
Marriage9 Dec 1734
ChildrenHannah (~1735-)
 George (1739-)
Last Modified 1 Sep 2017Created 7 Jan 2025 using Reunion for Macintosh