Misc. Notes
Worked with George Roudebush.
242Moved to Dexter Michigan.
242Notes for Andrew Gilbert Waid:
Andrew was a carpenter and joiner by trade, having worked several years with George Roudebush, his sister Clarissa's husband. He moved to Dexter, MI in the spring of 1847. His wife's parents had moved there earlier in the 1840's. He sold his home in Blooming Valley to James Wygant. He wrote the following letter home to friends and relatives after arriving in Michigan:
Mr. George Roudebush and Friends: We are all well, and hope you are the same. We took the boat Saturday morning at 2 o'clock at Erie; stopped at Cleveland, Sandusky and Detroit, and arrived all safe, none of us seasick. Traveled from Detroit across the country to Webster; sold the wooden bowels; traded horse and wagon for 25 acres of land. It is good land. I like it very well, and I have got three acres to put in with corn, and a piece for potatoes. I have a job to do for eighteen dollars, and am going to do it as soon as I get my corn and potatoes planted. Tell my brother, Samuel, I like the country very well, what little I have seen; there are good crops of wheat, and it looks well. Tell father we are all well and hearty. I am satisfied this is a good country, and we are not discouraged. ANDREW G. WAID (Third Souvenir)
To this point, he has not been located in the 1860 census. He is listed in the 1870 census as Henry G. Wade, living in Scio, Washtenaw Co., MI., with Jane, Elnora, and Clarissa. How or why his brother's first name was used is not known. That it is him, however, is shown by the other family members. He also wrote letters to his nephew, Francis C. Waid dated Dec. 10, 1889 and aft. Sept. 6, 1890 (possibly living in Ann Arbor when the last letter was written). He was in poor health, but desired to return to Crawford Co. to visit friends and relatives. He also appears in the 1880 census, but is only listed as .... Wade. Birth place for him and parents are correct. Wife's information is correct. Only one daughter at home, but again no first name given, but it must be Clarissa since the others are married (the age is right for her too). The last known date we have for Andrew with certainty is in 1894 Michigan State census. I found an Andrew G. Wade living in Pittsfield at the Washtenaw County Home in the 1900 census. The age is off by three years and place of birth is wrong, but it could be our Andrew. No actual death date is known.
174 From: drwaid@msn.com Subject: Waid information
Date: June 28, 2007 7:31:15 AM PDT
To: kenbower@kenbower.comKen,
I was going through your web site and I saw some you had some incorrect information and some missing information on the Waids. I have attached a report on the Waids from my g-g-g-grandfather, Andrew Gilbert Waid. I found copies of Hazen’s work at both the Fort Wayne, IN library and also at the Flint, MI library. At Flint it was on micro-fiche. This work is a composite from many sources and individuals. I have done my best to verify the information that can be verified. I have spent several hours in the archives of both Lyme, CT and Scituate, MA going through town records looking for information. There is no “hard” proof as to the parents of Pember. Some suggest he descends through Durant’s brother Jonathan’s son Josiah. I do not accept this position based on information given in notes. Also, there is no “hard” proof that John Wade of Lyme, CT is the son of Nicholas. Unless new evidence arises, neither of these two issues are likely to be resolved.
If you have any question, contact me and I will do my best to answer them.