
Welcome to our Genealogy Web Site

Welcome to the Bower-Lund Genealogy Web Site. We have spent over twenty years developing this Web Site, and over 40 years researching genealogy and history. We have over 8000 people and over 3000 families shown on this site. We have placed this information on a Web Site so that others can use this information to add to their own family history. We have gained much information from others, and appreciate any new inputs, corrections or additions. Please do remember that we have spent much time collecting this information and that it is copyrighted, so please link back to this Web Site if you post the information on your Web Site.
We especially appreciate pictures or stories, so if you have anything that you can add to this information please contact us via one of the contact methods.
Please spend some time viewing the many pages, pictures, and documentation shown on this Web Site. We hope you enjoy the information as much as we enjoyed collecting data and building this Web Site.

Historical Photographs
We have many picture of ancestors, cemeteries and related subjects. Those posted on this web site do not represent the quality of the original photograph. If anyone would like quality copies of any of these photographs please contact us by clicking the Link above.

We would like to feature your family on these web pages, on either the Main Page or in the History section. We will periodically update the pages that already exist, and add new families as we obtain additional data. If anyone is able to send us their family history, we would be happy to include those histories within this web site. Please contact us at the Link above, or E Mail us with written histories, pictures or other data.

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Last Updated:   July 1, 2024