Misc. Notes
1880 living in Nemaha County with parents, Nebraska age 7.
431900 Living in Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska, age 22.
451910 located in Raymer, Weld, Colorado, age 35.
251924 August, Living Corvalis Oregon.
2851935 Rural Kimball, Nebraska.
2861940 Living Nebraska, Age 70.
286William Hardenburger. He and his wife moved to Corvallis, Oregon prior to wife's death. In 1938 he is listed as the informant on Certificate of Death of wife who died of stroke in Corvalis. In 1935, he was living on a farm in Kimball, Nebraska. In 1938, he is listed as a surviving brother in Obituary of Joseph Hardenberger living in Kimball, Nebraska. A William Hardenburger is on the 1940 census living as inmate at Hastings State Hospital in Denver, Nebraska.