Family Card - Person Sheet
NameLieutenant Thomas Adams.
Birth1612, Barton St David, Somerset, England
Death20 Jul 1688, Chelmsford, Mass.
Misc. Notes
He was chosen chief Sergeant of the military company in 1659, but the county Court refused to confirm him on account of his religious views. He was confirmed in April 1660 upon solemnly agreeing not to disseminate his principles or notions contrary to what the chaurch doth confessedly own and practice. He was chosen Ensign in 1678, and Lieutenant in 1682, in the company of which his brother Samuel was Captain. He was Town Clerk, Selecctman, Commissioner or Representativeto the General Court. He d. in Chelmsford, 20 July, 1688, age. 76.
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Birthca 1613
DeathMar 1695, Charlestown, Mass971
MarriageMar 1642, Braintree, Suffolk, Massachusetts970
Mary (Infant Death) (1643-)
Thomas (Infant Death) (1660-1660)