Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameHenry Adams Sr 338,972,973
Birth1583, Barton St. David, Somerset, Eng
Death6 Oct 1646, Braintree, MA
Birth1583, Barton St. David, England
Death1646, Braintree, Mass
FatherJohn Adams (1555-1603)
MotherAgnes Stone (1556-1616)
Misc. Notes
The Fortune. 974
The ship Fortune arrived at Plymouth on November 9, 1621, just a few weeks after the "First Thanksgiving". This passenger list is based on the 1623 Division of Land, compiled by Charles Edward Banks in Planters of the Commonwealth, and by the information found in Eugene Aubrey Stratton's Plymouth Colony: Its History and its People, 1620-1691.

Fortune Passenger List

John Adams, William Basset, Elizabeth Basset (Wife), William Beale, Jonathan Brewster, Elizabeth Basset (Wife), Clement Briggs, Edward Bumpas, John Cannon, William Conner, Robert Cushman, Thomas Cushman (Son), Philipe de la Noye, Steven Deane, Thomas Flavell and Son, ______ Ford, Martha Ford (Wife), Thomas Flavell and Son, Martha Ford (daughter), John Ford (son), Robert Hickes, William Hilton, Bennet Morgan, Thomas Morton, Austen Nicolas, William Palmer, William Palmer (son), William Pitt, Thomas Prence, Moses Simonson, Hugh Statie, James Steward, William Tench, John Winslow, William Wright .


Henry Adams of Braintree, called thus because he was on of the earliest or first settlers in that part of the Massachusetts Bay designated "Mt. Wollaston," which was incorporated in 1640 as the town of Braintree. It included what is now Quincy, Braintree and Randolph, Mass. He is believed to have arrived in Boston with his wife, eight sons and a daughter, in 1632 or 1633. The colonial authorities at Boston allotted to him 40 acres of land at " the Mount." for the ten persons in his family, Feb. 24, 1639-40.

The name of his wife is unknown, nor where and when she died. It has been believed that she returned to England with her son John· and daughter Ursula, and died there, which appears not improbable. Henry Adams died in Braintree, Oct. 6, 1646, and was buried on the 8th. His will was proved June 8, 1647, and is as follows:
"First, my will is that my sonne Peter and John, and my daughter Ursula, shall have the grouude in the neck, both upland and meadow during the term I was to enjoy it, until it returne into the towne's hands againe, from whom I had it; also the aker in the mill fields: my will is that my bookes shall be divided amongst all my children, that my wife shall have and enjoy all my other goods so long as shee live unmarried. and if shee marry then my will is y't Joseph. Edward and my daughter Ursula should enjoy all my ground in the fielde y't licth on the war to Weymouth Ferry. and my house !ott, with all the houses and fruit trees and all my movables at the death or marriage of my wife, provided they and their mother shall pay to my sonne Samuel that which is due to him for the ground I bought of him. to be paid in connient tyme; but, in case God soe deal
.with my wife that she bee constrained to make use of something by way of sale, shee may :-finally. for movables, my will is that my sonne Peter and John shall have an equal share with my sonne Joseph and Edward, and my daughter Ursula..”

That Henry· Adams came from Devonshire on the south coast of England, has become a current and fixed belief, from the fact that his great, great grandson, President John Adams, erected a monument to his memory in the old church yard at Quincy with the inscription, "In memory of Henry Adams who took his flight from the Dragon persecution in Devonshire, England, and alighted with eight sons near Mt. Wollaston. One of the sons returned to England; and after taking time to explore the country, four removed to :Medfield. and two to Chelmsford. One only, Joseph. who lies here at his left hand. remained here.-an original proprietor in the township of Braintree."

The monument
commemorates the piety, humility, simplicity, prudence patienct!. temperance. frugality, industry and perseverance" of the Adams ancestors.

President John Quincy Adams discented from this opinion
of his father, that Henry Adams came from Devonshire.

After giving the matter particular and thorough in investigation, both in this country and in England, he published it as his conviction that Henry Adams was from Braintree in the county of Essex, on the east coast of England '' The~ statement in the
Alden Collection,'' he says, "that the first Henry came from Devonshire was received by the collector of Epitaphs from my father; but I believe it was not from Devonshire but from Braintree in the county of Essex, that he came.

My father supposed that be formed part of the company that came with Gov.·. Winthrop in 1630, 14 Aug most of whom- were from Devonshire. But at the time my father formed this opinion Gov. Winthrop's Journal had not been published."
Winthrop's Journal, I. 37, says, "1032: H Aug; The Braintree Company which had begun to settle down at Mt. Wollaston by order of Court, removed to Newtown. These were Mr. Hooker's Company."
[See Family Memorial by Elisha Thayer: Note p. 38.]

Hooker himself arrived in Sept .. 1623, but his Company, which was mostly made up from Chelmsford perhaps also from Braintree and other neighboring Villages of Essex county had arrived the year before. Hence it appears highly probable that Henry Adams from Braintree: in Essex joined Hooker's
Company and arrived in Boston in 1632.
Dr. James Savage author of the Genealogical Dictionary of the early first-comers of
New· England, concur~ in the: opinion of President John Quincy Adams.

The brothers Adams sons were among the active citizens
of Chelmsford, in England.
Moreover, there may have been other persons of the Adams who came in Hooker's company, and removed with him from Newtown to Hartford and vicinity. They may have been kindred
of Henry Adams

It is a matter of regret that
so little has been preserved, and is positively known of the ancestry, life and character of the noted·progenitor of the Adams family of Quincy. It is known that he was a malster as well as yeoman, or farmer, and a plain, unassuming man of tact and ability who came to America for a better opportunity for his large family. There is nothing to show that he bore any titles, or assumed any rank among nobility.
While there were many different styles of insignia in use as many
as twenty-eight different coats-of-arms, it is said upon good authority. in the Adams family,-there is nothing to indicate which, if any at all, were ever made use of by Henry Adams


It has been assumed that Henry Adams was of Welsh origin, the sixteenth generation from Lord Ap Adam, the father of John, or Lord Ap- Adam, who was called to Parliament by Edward I., as the Baron of the Realm," from A. D. 1296 to 1307, and that he
came out of
tht:: Marches or Borders of ''Tales into Devonshire.

ancient pedigree was furnished by 'William Downing Bruce: Esq., F. S. A., who says, "It is copied from an ancient parchment roll, with arms of the time of Charles I., which I discovered among the papers of the late Hamlin Adams, Esq., of Miiddleton Hall M. P. from the county of Cannatthen."975

It was first pub!ished in this country in the New England
History and Genealogical Register, Jan .1853, Vol. VII .. p.39-40
Misc. Notes
Henry may have been in the company of Thomas Hooker, who arrived in September 1633
Birth1587, Charlton Mackrell, Somerset, Eng
Death21 Jan 1672, Medfield, Mass
MotherCharlotte Mackrell (ca1563-1660)
Marriage19 Oct 1609, Charlton, Mackrell, England
ChildrenHenry (1604-1675)
 Thomas (1612-1688)
 Samuel (1616-)
 Jonathan (1619-1690)
 Ursula (1619-)
 Peter (1621-)
 Joseph (1626-1694)
 Edward (1630-1716)
Last Modified 6 Jan 2022Created 7 Jan 2025 using Reunion for Macintosh