Family Card - Person Sheet
NameAlbert Jacobs
Birth10 Dec 1862, Leeds, Yorkshire, England401,1473,1474
Death17 Apr 1936, Langhorne, Bucks, Pennsy
OccupationRailroad Clerk in 1900; is Weaver at Carpet Mill in 1910.1473,1475
Misc. Notes
1871 living with parents in Heckmondwike, Yorkshire, ENG, age 8.
4001880 living with parents in Philadelphia, PA, age 17.
4011900 living in Phildelphia, PA. age 37.
14731910 living in Philadelphia, PA on Walker Street, age 47.
1475 The 1910 census indicates that he came to USA in 1872 and is naturalized.
Birth17 Jan 1864, Bradford, Yorkshire West Riding, England1473
Death8 Sep 1939, Langhorne, Bucks, Penn