Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameJonas B. Lung
Birth27 May 1798, , Greene, Tennessee, United States
Death12 Sep 1879, Clayton, Adams, Illinois, United States
BurialNorthside Cemetery, Clayton, Illinois, United States
Misc. Notes
At Nathan's and Eliza's in 1860 with Mary age 45 and Strawther age 22 and Catharine age 20
1850 in Rushville, Schuyler, Illinois Jonas B- Mary and Also 42 year old Joseph Prettyman

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Descendants of Jacob Lung & Mary Talbott Entries: 549 Updated: Wed Oct 23 10:47:03 2002 Contact: Chester H. Neff Index ID: I615 Name: Jonas B. LUNG Given Name: Jonas B. Surname: Lung Sex: M _UID: C7CDEE02F5DCD51181B04445535400009C7D Note: (Mercer County, Kentucky, Deed Book 25, Pages 288-289) "ThisIndenture made and entered into this 17th March AD 1847 between thenamed signed heirs and legal representatives of Jacob Lung decd ofMercer County Kentucky and Aaron H. Alexander of same state and countyWitnesseth that whereas on 12th Dec 1835 by deed of record in theMercer County County court clerks office purporting to be by the heirsand legal representatives of law Jacob Lung Decd and now only executedby Hiram W. Lung and Jacob Lung nnow to confirm said deed made by MaryA Lung and said heirs & legal representatives and for theconsideration fo three thousand dollars therein expressed and for thefurther sum of five hundred dollars paid in have all the undersignedhereby confirm conveyance Bargain Sell and grant claim to saidAlexander the tract of land in said deed mentioned and conveyed bydeed dated 8th of Dec 1817 now of record in the proper offce of Mercercounty & to which reference is made from Thomas Logan & wife to saidJacob Lung Decd. And we the undersigned further covenant and agree toforeever warrant & defend to said Alexander a good titile to Saidtract of land against every body or person what ever. We furtherjointly & Severally covenant that we are ??? in for and have the rightto sell and convey Said land and further that we Christmas next SaidAlexander who now is in possession of all Said land but two or threeAcres occupied by Polly Lung shall have entire and complete possessionand further that forever Said land Alexander harmless from all claimsand demands whatever by all persons whether by & through us orotherwise & this deed is cumulative and in addition to our obligationsin the premises heretofore Witness our hands & seals the day and datefirst above written. This warranty is so qualified as only to warrantthe title to the extent of three sixths of the premises that being theinterest of the undersigned grantors. Jonas B. Lung Mary P. Lung Rebecca Lilliard Mercer County Lat March 18th 1847 The foregoing Indenture was this day produced to me in my office andacknowledged by Jonas B. Lung, Mary L. Lung, & Rebecca Lillard partiesthereto to be their act and deed wherepon I have made the same ofrecord. Attest: Tho. Allin C. C. " (Deed Records, KY & IL) On 26 Jun 1832, Jonas B. and Ann Lungpurchased 70 acres in Garrard County, Kentucky, for $700 owned by Ebyaand Emelian Macy. They sold 5 acres on 9 Mar 1833 for $40 to John andElizabeth Ison, Ann's sister and her husband. On 3 Mar 1835, theysold 83 acres for $802.50 to John Sneed in their preparation to moveto Illinois. Jonas B. and Ann Lung moved to Schuyler County, Illinoisin 1835 with six of their eight children. According to the MilitaryTract Deeds, on Feb 15, 1836, Jonas B. purchased 75.8 acres of publicland for $1.25 an acre in Section 3 of Rushville Township. He sold theland in Section 3 on May 20, 1837 to Thomas Quinn for $80. Anncosigned the deed with her Mark. On Dec 22, 1937, Jonas B. purchasedanother 40 acres of public land for $3.13 an acre in Section 16 ofBrown County. He later purchased the NW quarter of Sec. 27 inRushville Twp., three and one-half miles NE of Rushville known as thePokesberry area. Their home there was known as "Lung School House"and was also used as a church. (1838 Tax Roll, Schuyler County, IL) Janus Lung:1 wagon @$20, 2horses @$100, 4 cattle @$50, 1 clock @$5, Hogs, Sheep, HouseholdFurnishings $ 60 Total amount of property $245, Total Tax $1.27 (Schuyler County, IL, Petit Jurors, March Term 1850) "paid Jonas B.Lung, 6 days, $6.20" (Rushville Newspaper, The Citizen, Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1859. Schuylerat the Peak) Letter from Edward Milby to J. B. Lung. -- "July l, 1859-- Mr. J.B. Lung - Sir According to promise, I inform you about mytrip to Pike’s Peak. I left Rushville, Apr. 12 and crossed theMissouri at St. Joseph May 10th, and reached Fort Kearney June 1st.there we stopped to take a view of the Fort and to see the soldiersparade. We then traveled up the Platte River all the way to DenverCity. We saw a number of Indian warriors on their way to fight thePawnees. We camped one night on the Black Vermillion - an Indian triedto steal some of our company’s stock, when. the guard saw him and madethree shots at him, but missed him, We then traveled on to Freemont’sOrchard. Here we camped - June 17 - we were then in sight of the RockyMountains. Then with steady march in seven days reached the foot ofthe mountain at Clear Creek. The next day, four others and myselfstarted up the mountains into the mines - we reached them in two days.We had the ground for our bed and the rocks for our pillows. I foundit cold sleeping - the tops of the mountains beings covered with snow.I was at the Russell, Buck-Eye and Spanish diggings. The mines paywell. I saw from fifty cents to one dollar taken from the pan. Claimssell for two hundred to twenty thousand dollars. We prospected tillour provisions gave out. The day I left the mines, the Utah Indianskilled and scalped two white men, Today, two men shot themselves inthe valley. We have four claims. We were two months and fourteen dayson the road. I have seen a man that helped to eat two of his brothers.I guess you have heard of a great many getting killed and starved todeath that is true, but I have not done either quite. I would like tohear from home. - Yours Truly, Edward P. Milby" (Will, Adams County, Illinois) "I, J. B. Lung, of the town ofClayton in the County of Adams and State of Illinois, do hereby makeand declare this my last Will and testament, in manner following:First; It is my will that my funeral expenses and all my just debtsbe fully paid. Second; After the payment of such funeral expensesand debts, I give, devise & bequeath, unto my beloved wife Mary M.Lung all of my real estate as follows: Lots number two hundred andthirty six (236) and number two hundred and thirty seven (237) asnumbered in the Original town plat of the Town of Clayton, County ofAdams & State of Illinois, and one half of an acre in two lotssituated north of the town plat of the Town of Clayton being part ofthe South East quarter of Section twenty seven (27) in said County ofAdams & State of Illinois Township No. one North range five West of4th Principal, bounded as follows; Commencing at the North West cornerof lot No. two hundred and thirty three (233) as numbered in said townplat of the town of Clayton; thence South One hundred & sixty eightfeet (168) and thence West One hundred eighteen (118) feet. Third; Igive and bequeath to my wife Mary M. Lung my house hold and kitchenfurniture of every name and kind, including my books and such otherthings now in my possession not usually called house hold & kitchenfurniture. Fourth; The above named gifts and bequeaths to my wifeMary M. Lung, consisting of real estate & personal effects are left tomy said wife and must be considered subject to her disposal during hernatural life and at her death if no Will & testament made by my saidwife, then it is my declaration that such real estate and personalproperty shall be divided share & share alike to my lawful heirsincluding Samuel A. Butler who will be named in this my last Will.Fifth; The residue of my estate not herein disposed of the one thirdpart thereof , I hereby give and bequeath to the following heirs;Justina Hayfield, John A. Lung, Wm. H. Lung, and Stretcher M. Lung.Sixth; And two thirds of the said residue above named and not hereindisposed of, I hereby bequeath to the following named heirs: Jonas R.Lung, Susan Lung, Mary E. Milby, Margaret Gillinwater, and the abovenamed Samuel A. Butler. And Lastly; I hereby constitute and appointSeth J. Moray Executor of this my last Will and Testament, revokingand annulling all former Wills made by me & confirming this and noother to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I the saidJ. B. Lung have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 23rd day ofJanuary in the year of 1879. J. B. LUNG "

(Obituary, copied from an unidentified newspaper) "Died at hisresidence in Clayton, Adams Co., Ill., Sept. 19, 1879 in his 82ndyear, Mr. Jonas Lung. He came to Schuyler about 1836. He first ownedthe McMaster farm on the Frederick road now occupied by Mr. Malcomsom.Afterwards he bought the farm now owned by Mr. Fred Nell and for manyyears was the principal support of ME Church in that neighborhoodwhere Lung's Chapel has been and will be for years to come. Astanding memorial to his zeal and fidelity to his church. About 1863he moved to Clayton where he has ever since resided, then as here, anactive member of the Church. In Feb. last he injured himself by asevere fall which confined him thereafter to his room. During hisclosing days he rejoiced continually in his assurance of a blessedimmortality. In respect to his worth all the Church of Claytonsuspended their regular services on the Sabbath of his burial toattend his funeral obsequies. Thus has passed away another of thepioneer worthies of Schuyler County."

(History of Schuyler County) Jonas B. Lung was a freight hauler,farmer, and M.E. minister. Prior to 1835, Jonas resided in GarrardCounty, Kentucky. The family moved to Schuyler County, Illinois in1835 or 1836. The 1840 census recorded that the household of Jonas B.Lung was complete, with himself, his wife first wife Ann, and alleight of the children. Tabby Ann died sometime after 1840 and before1850. Jonas then married Mary Toomey, often referred to as Aunt Maryby Jonas's children. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Birth: 27 MAY 1798 in Greene County, Tennessee Death: 12 SEP 1879 in Clayton, Adams County, Illinois Burial: Northside Cemetery, Clayton, Illinois Occupation: farmer BET 1840 AND 1879 Schuyler & Adams County, Illinois Residence: AFT 1836 Schuyler County, Illinois Will: 23 JAN 1879 Clayton, Adams County, Illinois Father: Jacob LUNG </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I5092> b: BET 1770 AND 1776 in Virginia Mother: Mary Ann (Polly) TALBOTT </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I7249> b: ABT 1775 in Virginia Marriage 1 Anna ASKINS </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I767> b: BET 1790 AND 1800 in Virginia Married: 2 JUL 1821 in Garrard County, Kentucky Children John A. LUNG </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I773> b: 1822 in Garrard County, Kentucky Justine LUNG </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I768> b: 19 SEP 1823 in Garrard County, Kentucky Margaret LUNG </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I771> b: 1827 in Garrard County, Kentucky William H. LUNG </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I774> b: 1828 in Kentucky Jonas R. LUNG </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I611> b: 10 FEB 1832 in Garrard County, Kentucky Susan A. LUNG </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I769> b: 10 FEB 1835 in Garrard County, Kentucky Strawther Marion LUNG </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I772> b: 1838 in Schuyler County, Illinois Mary Ellen LUNG </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I770> b: 16 JUL 1840 in Schuyler County, Illinois Marriage 2 Mary Magdalene PRETTYMAN </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chnlung&id=I777> b: 5 SEP 1812 in Sussex County, Delaware 19 20 Married: BET 1841 AND 1849 in Schuyler County, Illinois Sources: Abbrev: Census - 1840 - Schuyler Co., IL Title: US Census, 1840, Schuyler County, Illinois Text: Jonace Lung, Jonathon Jenkins Page: Page 116a, Line 9, Precinct No. 4, Jonace Lung Quality: 3 Abbrev: Census - 1850 - Schuyler Co., IL Title: US Census, 1850, Schuyler County, Illinois Page: Rushville Township, August 31, 1850, Page 328B, Line 31, Dwelling 134,Family 145, Jonas B. Lung Quality: 3 Abbrev: Census - 1860 - Schuyler Co., IL Title: US Census, 1860, Schuyler County, Illinois Page: Rushville Township, Page 17, Dwelling 126, Family 126, Jonas B.Lung Quality: 3 Abbrev: Census - 1870 - Adams Co., IL Title: US Census, 1870, Adams County, Illinois Page: Clayton Township, Line 26, Dwelling 211, Family 195, Jonas B. Lung Quality: 3 Abbrev: Deed - Jonas B. Lung - Illinois Title: Deed, Jonas & Ann Lung, Schuyler County, Illinois. Signed by WilliamEllis, JP Text: Sold 80 acres to Thomas Quinn for $80 on May 20 1837. Propertylocated as S Half of the NE Quarter of Section 3 in the Township 2N ofthe base line at Range 1W of the fourth principal Meridian. Annco-signed deed with her mark. Jonas had purchased this land for $1.25an acre on Feb 15 1836. Page: Recorded Oct 10, 1837. Quality: 3 Abbrev: Land Grants & Sales - Illinois Title: State of Illinois, Public Domain Land Tract Sales, Illinois StateArchives, Springfield, IL Page: Arch. Vol. 698, Page 003, Record #21717, 15 Feb 1840, Jonas B. Lung,75.81 acres Quality: 3 Abbrev: Publication - Schuyler Co. IL History - 1983 Title: Schuyler County Illinois History, by Schuyler County Jail Museum,Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, TX (1983) Page: Page 417 Quality: 2 Abbrev: Publication - Schuyler Co. IL History - 1985 Title: Schuyler County Illinois History, by Schuyler County Jail Museum,Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas (1985) Page: Page 302 Quality: 2 Abbrev: Deed - Jonas B. Lung - Kentucky Title: Kentucky Land Transactions, Garrard County, Kentucky, Book L, Jonas B.Lung Text: Purchased 70 acres from Ebya and Emelian Macy on 26 Jun 1832 for $700.Sold 5 acres on 9 Mar 1833 for $40 to John and Elizabeth Ison, hisbrother-in-law. Sold 83 acres on 3 Mar 1835 for $802.50 to JohnSneed. Page: Pages 130, 201, 423 Quality: 3 Abbrev: Will - Jonas B. Lung Title: Adams County, Illinois, Will, Jonas B. Lung, 1879. Page: Signed January 23, 1879 Quality: 3 Abbrev: Marriage License & Bond - Lung/Askins Title: Marriage License, Garrard County, Kentucky, 29 Jun 1821, Jonas Longand Anna Askins, signed by mark of Peggy Askins. Marriage Bond,signed 2 Jul 1821 by Jonas Long and John Askins. Page: June 29, 1821 Quality: 3 Abbrev: Obituary - Mrs. Mary Lung Title: Obituary, Mrs. Mary Lung, Rushville Times, Rushville, Illinois Page: February 17, 1887 Quality: 3 Abbrev: Tombstone Inscription Title: Tombstone Inscription Page: Jonas B. Lung, born May 27, 1798, died Sept 12, 1879, aged 81 yrs, 3mons, 16 days Quality: 3 Abbrev: Land Grants & Sales - Illinois Title: State of Illinois, Public Domain Land Tract Sales, Illinois StateArchives, Springfield, IL Page: Arch. Vol. 698, Page 044, Record #393953, 22 Dec 1837, Jonas B. Lung,40 acres Quality: 3 Abbrev: Census - 1820 - Mercer Co., KY Title: US Census, 1820, Mercer County, Kentucky Page: Page 101, Line 23, Jacob Lung Quality: 3 Abbrev: Deed - Jacob Lung Estate Title: Mercer County, State of Kentucky Page: Deed Book 25, Pages 176-178, 17 Nov 1846 Quality: 3 Abbrev: Deed - Jacob Lung Estate Title: Mercer County, State of Kentucky Page: Deed Book 25, Pages 288-289, 17 Mar 1847 Quality: 3 Abbrev: Census - 1830 - Garrard Co., KY Title: US Census, 1830, Garrard County, Kentucky Page: Page 204, Line 7, Jonas Long Quality: 3 Abbrev: Census - 1850 - Schuyler Co., IL Title: US Census, 1850, Schuyler County, Illinois Page: House 134, Family 135 Abbrev: Census - 1860 - Schuyler Co., IL Title: US Census, 1860, Schuyler County, Illinois Page: Family 914, Dwelling 909, page 135
Marriage2 Jul 1821, , Garrard, Kentucky, United States
ChildrenMary Ellen (1840-)
Birth4 Sep 1812, Indian River, Sussex, Delaware, United States
Death5 Feb 1887
BurialClayton, Adams, Illinois, United States
FatherCannon Prettyman (1773-1819)
MotherPeggy or Margaret Prettyman (1781-1867)
Marriage1841/1849, , , Illinois, United States
Last Modified 22 Jan 2008Created 7 Jan 2025 using Reunion for Macintosh